Version 1.2. ()

Wiki · Export

Information of the formats available for download.

# Exporting Editions

Various formats are available for exporting editions, i.e. the synoptic comparison of multiple text witnesses. For some formats it is possible to select whether the complete synopsis or only individual segments are to be exported (by using either the toolbar on top or the fold-out menu bar under a segment).

# .pdf and .tex

This option can be used to export an entire synopsis or an individual segment in the Portable Document Format (PDF) or in the TeX code that was used to generate the PDF in the first place. The format mimics LERAs column-synoptic representation of compared text witnesses. According to the last selected filters, the text variants are highlighted in color and listed in a critical apparatus. One segment is set per page.

# .pdf (compact representation) and .tex (compact representation)

This printer-friendly form renders the alignment of similar segments as full text along with sequential numbering, placing multiple segments per page. Additional options are available to show/hide segment names and copied segments, and to display the synopsis in right-to-left direction.

# .html

This option creates a single HTML file for a complete synopsis or a selected segment. Depending on the currently selected settings, the textual variants are highlighted in color and displayed in a fold-out apparatus. There are also options to show/hide segment names and copied segments, and to display the synopsis and/or apparatus in right-to-left direction.

# .html (including CATview)

This option extends the HTML download with the CATview navigation and overview bar (see All necessary files are exported as a ZIP folder for this purpose.

# .xml for TEI Publisher (

Exports an edition as a XML file according to the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). This format can be imported into and displayed by the TEI Publisher (

# .xml for Versioning Machine (

Exports an edition as a XML file according to the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). This format can be imported into and displayed by the Versioning Machine 5.0 (

# .json (aligned paragraphs and sentences)

Exports the Alignment in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). This data contains an entry n for the number of witnesses and an entry meta with some meta data such as the witnesses' names and the used algorithm for alignment. The alignment itself is represented as numbered entries (0number of rows - 1) where each entry holds one row of aligned segments. Those entries contain the text segments splitted into tokens (called paragraphs) or sentences (sentences).